My Nephew Chris

Chris and Uncle Jon

Many people knew Chris only as the biggest, strongest, most big-hearted man that he became. Some of us were lucky to know the sensitive little boy who gathered his courage and strength and reinvented himself.

He exercised and became a giant, powerful but gentle. He became self-confident and outgoing. He went from a struggling student to one who tutored others.

And as he got stronger in life he kept on reaching out to those in need around him, those not as big and strong and confident as him.

And he also poked his finger in the faces of some people who need it.

In his much too short life he came so far, and was only getting started. None of us will ever stop missing his big heart and his big goofy grin.

That's me, Uncle Jon in the photo with Chris. I wish I had told him how much I loved him.