Christopher Sachs died on November 2nd while under treatment for acute myeloid leukemia. He was 36. While Chris has left us, we remember that he was larger than life in so many ways: bigger, bigger heart, bigger smile, funnier, always full of piss-and-vinegar.

We invite his friends and family to participate in building this site. Each page (other than the home page) has a place to add your comments. And you can send stories to Uncle Jon, the webmaster.

One way we honor Chris is to gather data on leukemia (or other cancers and diseases) in veterans of either Iraq war. We want to hear from others about cases of leukemia from veterans of wars in Iraq - or the citizens and children of Iraq.

Stacy Pennington testifies at Senate Armed Services Committee.

Read Chris' story in the online publication Huffington Post.

This site is created and maintained by Chris's Uncle Jon.